Sunday, June 9, 2019

Arrival at Charles de Gaulle airport + Chartres + Meeting the host families in Saint-Brieuc

Dear family & friends, 

We arrived in Saint-Brieuc, safe and sound, last night at 8:15pm.
The flight to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris arrived on time at approximately 10:30am. We then hopped on the bus that took us to Chartres, 1.5 hours outside of Paris. We picnicked in the park of the famous 13th-century cathedral which we visited after lunch.
After spending about 2 hours in Chartres, we were on the bus for another 4 hours to Saint-Brieuc. Upon arrival in Saint-Brieuc, all the host families were there waiting for us :) Students were tired, but very excited!
Tomorrow is Whit Monday (Pentecost), which is a holiday in France. All businesses and schools will be closed. The first day of class (which will mostly consist of an on-site orientation for the students) will take place on Tuesday. In the meantime, the students are getting to know their host families and enjoying a long weekend with them.
Check back for pictures of the first day of class at the Igloo on Tuesday!
A bientôt,

Arrival at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris

En route to Chartres!

Chartres & its cathedral

Arrival in Saint-Brieuc, Côtes d'Armor


  1. Great pics - keep them coming.

  2. Glad you all arrived safely. Looking forward to following the blog to see all the adventures.

  3. Love the photos. Happy that all are safe.

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Dear everyone, I am finally back in the US, and I was able to upload the last pictures online. I have also uploaded ALL the pictures...