Sunday, July 14, 2019

Farewell Show

Dear family & friends,
Since they arrived in Saint-Brieuc, our students had been preparing for the Farewell Show that took place on Thursday night at the Villa Carmélie (the Saint-Brieuc School for Performing Arts). There was a lot of singing, dancing, acting, and music playing! Our students gave an excellent show as a way to thank their host families for their hospitality throughout the program. Unfortunately, I couldn't take a lot of pictures as my camera was busy filming the performances. Click on the YouTube links below to watch them!
Friday was the last day of school. The students were sad to say goodbye to the Igloo, but excited to be spending a long weekend with their host families, and to be going to Paris on Tuesday!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Breton dancing

Dear family & friends,
On Tuesday night we held a Breton dancing event at the Igloo. A local group of Breton musicians and dancers (Le Cercle Celtique de Saint-Brieuc) came here to teach our students a few of the traditional dances. Some of the host families also joined in the fun! Click on the YouTube links below to watch our students and families dance!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Fourth of July - Mayor's reception

Dear family & friends,
On Thursday evening, we went to City Hall to celebrate the Fourth of July in the company of French officials and our students' host families. Two journalists were present, and the articles were published in the newspapers today. You can find links to the online versions below. The students sang La Marseillaise (the French national anthem), as well as the Star-Spangled Banner. Links to videos are posted below. Luke and Alexa gave a wonderful speech in French, which you can also watch on YouTube! The evening concluded with delicious non-alcoholic beverages and laughter.
Have a great weekend,


Dear everyone, I am finally back in the US, and I was able to upload the last pictures online. I have also uploaded ALL the pictures...